This is a continuing series using information from the booklet written by the National Institute on Aging working with the National Institutes of Health called: Talking with Your Doctor. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NIH Publication No. 05-3452 August 2005 (Reprinted April 2010)
In a sidebar on page 20 is this encouragement:
“Exercise is often “just what the doctor ordered!” Exercise can:
- Help you have more energy to do the things you want to do.
- Help maintain and improve your physical strength and fitness.
- Help improve mood and relieve depression.
- Help manage and prevent diseases like heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, osteoporosis, and disabilities as people grow older.
- Help improve your balance.
Many doctors now recommend that older people try to make physical activity a part of everyday life. When you are making your list of things to talk about with your doctor, Ask how exercise would benefit you, if there are any activities you should avoid, and whether your doctor can recommend any specific kinds of exercise.”
According to the National Institute on Aging they list all the above items with the incentive that exercise also helps you remain independent or less dependent on others. They go into more detail such as:
Four types of Activities – 1) those the build endurance, 2) build strength, 3) maintain balance and 4) maintain or build flexibility.
You may want to visit their website:
Next article: Evaluating Health Information on the Internet.
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